Thomas Lyman Chun is a private investor. He served previously on the board of directors of Maxtor Corporation (NYSE) and on the board of advisors of Logitech International S.A. (NASDAQ). He was also a founder and first chairman of the board of the Corporation for Open Systems, a consortium of America’s leading computer and communications companies, and served as an industry spokesman to technology companies and the press in Europe, Asia and the U.S.. Mr. Chun was a vice president of Tandem Computers (NASDAQ) and SyQuest Technology (NASDAQ) as well as a founder and CEO of several start-ups. He holds a BA from Yale, a JD from Harvard, and an MBA from Stanford, and he studied international economics in the doctoral program at the Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He has been a lifetime language learner and has studied French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Italian, German and Arabic through a variety of online and classroom methods.