Technical Resources

Emonts, M., Row, R., Johnson, W.L., Thomson, E., Joyce, H., Gorman, G., Carpenter, R. (2012). Integration of Social Simulations into a Task-based Blended Training Curriculum. Proceedings of the 2012 Land Warfare Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Johnson, W.L. & Zaker, S.B. (2012). The Power of Social Simulation for Chinese Language Teaching. Proceedings of TCLT7. Honolulu, 2012. Describes Alelo’s social simulation approach, as applied to Chinese language teaching.

Johnson, W.L., Friedland, L., Watson, A., & Surface, E. (2012). The art and science of developing intercultural competence. In Paula J. Durlach & Alan M. Lesgold (Eds.): Adaptive Technologies for Training and Education. New York: Cambridge University Press. Describes Alelo’s adaptive learning technologies and their application in learning products.

Johnson, W.L. (2012). Error detection for teaching communicative competence. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automatic Detection of Errors in Pronunciation Training. Provides an overview of how Alelo technology automatically detects learner language errors and provides feedback.

Johnson, W.L. & Sagae, A. (2012). Personalized refresher training based on a model of skill acquisition and decay. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling. San Francisco, 2012. Describes Alelo’s new PRT (Personalized Refresher Training) technology.

Sagae, A., Hobbs, J. Ho, E. (2012) Efficient Cross-Cultural Models for Communicative Agents. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making. San Francisco, July 2012. Describes an evaluation study that compared Alelo’s new model-based approach to authoring cross-cultural scenarios to previous approaches.

Wertheim, S., Agar, M. (to appear) (2012) Culture that Works. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making. San Francisco, July 2012. Motivation, methodology, and results for sociocultural research on the CultureCom project. Interviews with SMEs in two languages and lit review produced a working definition of “culture” appropriate for integration with the computational system

Hobbs, J. R., Sagae, A., Wertheim, S. (2012). Toward a Commonsense Theory of Microsociology: Interpersonal Relationships. Proceedings of FOIS 2012. July 24-27, Graz, Austria. Describes the common logic formalism for representing cultural rules in the CultureCom project, with some description of the system and data development as well.

Johnson, W.L., Sagae, A., Friedland, L. (2012). VRP 2.0: Cross-Cultural Training with a Hybrid Modeling Architecture. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making. San Francisco. Provides an overview of Alelo’s new VRP (Virtual Role-Player) architecture.

Zaker, S.B. (2012). Designing instruction for affect: The need for feelings of belonging in distance education. Proceedings of Teachers College Educational Technology Conference. May 2012, New York.

Cahoon, M., Surface, E., Towler, A., & Dierdorff, E. (2012). A Comparison of Training Outcomes from a Simulated Learning Environment and a Traditional Classroom. International Journal of Global Management Studies Professional (IJGMSP) 3(2). Describes a study evaluating the training effectiveness of Tactical Iraqi.

Sagae, A., Johnson, W. L., & Valente, A. (2011). Conversational Agents in Language and Culture Training. In D. Perez-Marin & I. Pascual-Nieto (Eds.), Conversational Agents and Natural Language Interaction: Techniques and Effective Practices. Madrid: IGI Global. Describes the natural language dialog techniques employed in Alelo courses.

Johnson, W.L., Friedland, L., Schrider, P., Valente, A., & Sheridan, S. (2011).The Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer (VCAT): Joint Knowledge Online’s (JKO’s) Solution to the Individual Operational Culture and Language Training Gap. Proceedings of ITEC 2011. London: Clarion Events. Describes the instructional design and implementation of Alelo’s VCAT courses.

Johnson, W.L. & Wang, N. (2011). Politeness in interactive educational software. In C. Hayes & C. Miller (Eds.), Human-Computer Etiquette. London: Taylor & Francis. Examines the effect of polite tutorial tactics in educational software, in multiple learning domains.

Johnson, W.L. (2010). Using immersive simulations to develop intercultural competence. In T. Ishida (Ed.), Culture and Computing, LNCS 6259, 1-15. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Describes Alelo’s approach to teaching intercultural competence, as realized in its products.

Barrett, K.A. & Johnson, W.L. (2010). Developing serious games for learning language-in-culture. In Richard Van Eck (Ed), Interdisciplinary Models and Tools for Serious Games: Emerging Concepts and Future Directions. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Provides an overview of the Alelo instructional design approach.

Sagae, A., Johnson, W. L., & Bodnar, S. (2010). Validation of a Dialog System for Language Learners. Paper presented at the The 11th annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue, Tokyo, Japan. Presents the results of a study in which the performance of the Tactical French spoken dialog system compared against human raters.

Johnson, L.W., Ashish, N., Bodnar, S., Sagae, A. (2010). Expecting the unexpected: Warehousing and analyzing data from ITS field use. In V. Aleven, J. Kay, and J. Mostow (Eds.), International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Part 2, (pp 352 – 354). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Describes a study in user interaction data was collected for a Tactical Language course and used to evaluate training system effectiveness.

Johnson, W.L., & Valente, A. (2009). Tactical language and culture training systems: Using AI to teach foreign languages and cultures. AI Magazine, 30(2), 72-83. An overview of the artificial intelligence techniques underlying Alelo courses.

Kumar, R., Sagae, A., & Johnson, W.L (2009, July). Evaluating an authoring tool for Mini- Dialogs. Poster session presented at The 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Brighton, U.K. Describes a template-based approach to authoring dialogs in Tactical Language courses.

Johnson, W.L. & Wu, S.M. (2008). Assessing aptitude for learning with a serious game for foreign language and culture. In B. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R. Nkambou, & S. Lajoie (Eds.), International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 520-529). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Reports a findings from a field study in which training performance with Tactical Language courses were used to predict future learning success.

Johnson, W. L., & Valente, A. (2008). Collaborative authoring of serious games for language and culture. SimTecT 2008. Describes the authoring tools used to develop Alelo courses.

Wang, N., Johnson, W.L., Mayer, R.E., Rizzo, P., Shaw, E., & Collins, H. (2008). The politeness effect: Pedagogical agents and learning outcomes.International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 66(2), 98-112.

Mayer, R., Johnson, W., Shaw, E., & Sandhu, S. (2006). Constructing computer-based tutors that are socially sensitive: Politeness in educational software. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64(1), 36-42. Reports on an evaluation study that demonstrated that politeness tactics in pedagogical agents can affect learning outcomes.

Johnson, W.L., Mayer, R.E., André, E., & Rehm, M. (2005). Cross-cultural evaluation of politeness in tactics for pedagogical agents. Proceedings of the conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Amsterdam: IOS Press. A research study that compared the effect of computer-generated tutorial feedback in two different cultures (US and Germany).

Johnson, W. L., Marsella, S., Mote, N., Viljhálmsson, H., Narayanan, S., & Choi, S. (2004). Tactical Language Training System: Supporting the rapid acquisition of foreign language and cultural skills. Proceedings of InSTILICALL—NLP and Speech Technologies in Advanced Language Learning Systems. Describes advanced methods for language error detection, that were prototyped in the Tactical Language courses.


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