Pioneering Technology

To be the best at what we do, we find that our offerings must be as living, breathing and fluid as human interaction and communication itself. Alelo is the fusion of pedagogical and communicative expertise with virtual training technology. To stay at the forefront we must act as pioneers in the space, constantly collecting and analyzing data, evaluating efficacy and improving our process. We guide our work by adoption-based research in the learning sciences, which is predicated upon and contributes to the successful adoption of effective learning systems. We use our learning and simulation platforms as evolving content delivery systems, test-beds for evaluation of new learning methods. We continually collect data from field use of our learning systems, analyze the data, publish evaluation results and use the results to inform further research and development.

We apply what we learn when building intelligent learning environments, so client partners can be rest assured that an Alelo product embodies the most effective, targeted training solutions available to date. One example is game-based learning, a method that employs intrinsic motivation and reward to engage the user, and an area where Alelo is at the forefront.

We believe in not just understanding the best methodology, but presenting it in the best way to the user. For example, our studies show that the manner in which systems provide tutorial feedback has an effect on learning outcomes. Feedback that is encouraging and sensitive to the learner’s sense of self-esteem leads to better learning than simply telling learners when their responses are right or wrong. Corrective feedback is most effective when it is embedded in the game, instead of tutorial critiques. For example, if the learner is inadvertently rude to a virtual Iraqi in our “Operational Iraqi” course, he may call the learner a “son of a dog.” This very effectively gets the learner’s attention without damaging his or her self-esteem.

We are also playing a leading role in the development of pedagogical agents, which are animated agents that promote learning by interacting with learners at both cognitive and affective levels. For example, we continue to conduct fundamental research on the politeness effect, whereby learning systems that adhere to social norms of politeness in human-computer interaction promote better learning than learning systems that violate those norms. These principles guide the behavior of the virtual tutors and socially intelligent virtual humans in our intelligent tutoring systems.

Our longstanding relationships with government and military clients and sponsors served to scaffold the development of what is now patented technology unprecedented outside of government and military use. The same precision, efficacy and efficiency have proven transferable and advantageous in business and educational settings, paving the way for Alelo’s present commitment to expanding its success to those areas.

See below to learn more about how we are pioneering virtual role play technology:

VRP® 2.0

VRP® augments virtual training scenarios with Virtual Role Players representing host nationals. VRP® makes it possible to train and rehearse nonlethal missions within a virtual training context. Trainees communicate with VRPs using spoken language, for greater realism.

An advanced technology demonstration of VRP®, with Pashto- and Dari-speaking virtual role players, is being delivered to the US Army under the Games for Training contract. Alelo is now developing a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) version for general military use.

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Mobile Training

Both a stand-alone training tool and a supplement to computer- or classroom-based learning, Mobile Training provides cultural awareness and language training on a cost effective, portable platform.

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SimulCAT Training

SimLCAT training  utilizes Alelo’s patented conversational Artificial Intelligence Technology and covers essential cultural and linguistic knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes (KSAAs) critical for mission success. The platform features interactive lessons, immersive role-play simulation, and casual games to allow exploration of key points of interest while teaching culture and language in operational contexts.

TI Simulator

The Tactical Interaction (TI) Simulator is Alelo’s best example to date of serious gaming and role-play simulations applied to language and culture training, incorporating 3D virtual world simulation to instruct and assess mission-critical language and culture skills and realistic simulations of common interactions learners would have with the local population.

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Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer (VCAT)

VCAT training utilizes Alelo’s patented conversational Artificial Intelligence Technology and covers essential cultural and linguistic knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes (KSAAs) critical for mission success. The platform features interactive lessons, immersive role-play simulation, and casual games to allow exploration of key points of interest while teaching culture and language in operational contexts.

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